Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The New Girl

My absolute favorite new show this season is the New Girl. For those who have never had the pleasure, it is about a sometimes awkward and seriously adorable girl (played by Zoe Deschanel) who moves into an apartment with three guys and the comedy that ensues.

For the past week, I have been living in an apartment with four guys. There are many moments where I feel like I am experiencing an episode of the show. It's been a bit of a change for everyone; but, I must say, I have quite enjoyed my time here. There have been dance parties, cooking nights, apartment disasters and bouts of food poisoning (not from anything I cooked thank goodness).

A few particularly interesting moments were when the roof started leaking in the room I am staying in. It started dripping early morning the second night I was here and is only now starting to dry. Because of this, I have been sleeping in the living room for the past few nights. I open my eyes every morning and immediately have a view of the sunrise over the city. I'll have to take pictures and post them.

I also went shopping at the mall with three of the guys; an interesting experience. I never thought the day would come when I would walk into a mall with a bunch of guys and walk out having not bought a thing and they walk out with several bags. We're talking H&M and Forever 21 (Yes, they have those over here). I quite enjoyed giving them fashion advice however and there is still an ongoing joke between me and the guys as to the correct color of a certain jacket we spotted.

Cooking here has proved to be a challenge. The only "oven" the guys have is a large toaster oven; and, of course, the temperature is in Celsius. I wanted to get on their good side early on so I decided a batch of my chocolate peanut butter brownies would be the ticket. Well, somehow it turned out like a cake and the whole top layer burned...regardless of the fact that the rest took twice as long to took. I, being a perfectionist when it comes to my baking, verbalized my frustrations over the burnt brownies while they are busy gobbling them up. It was funny, baking the brownies because I put them in the only baking pan they own which, upon putting them in, I realized it is too big for the toaster oven. It reminded me of the Thanksgiving episode of the New Girl when Jess buys a turkey that won't fit. I had to turn it long ways and close the cabinet the toaster oven is in to try and contain the heat.

Besides my adventures with the guys, I have begun a few adventures of my own. Yesterday I was determined to walk from the apartment to the area of the city where my brother works. According to Google maps it is supposed to be a 45 minute walk. I am starting to think that Google maps gives directions like an Israeli. Perhaps if I ask it three times it will give me correct ones... or at least all of them. I set out at 10AM passing the mall and some interesting areas of the city. As I walked I ended up in Yafo, a very old area of the city; partly artsy district, partly ghetto (If only Google maps had an "avoid the ghetto button"). I walked past some of the cutest shops and furniture stores I've ever seen and then ended up in the ghetto. I walked and walked down a series of winding narrow street till I finally made it back to a main road. Then I saw it... The Mediterranean. Finally! It was windy outside and the waves roared and crashed against the breakers. A group of surfers were out attempted to tackle them. In Israel, surfing happens in the winter because the surf is much better and no on else is at the beach. I made it to my brother's work at noon!

I walked around the streets and found some great deals on a few new sweaters. I seem to have forgotten all of mine in the States. I also found shoe heaven! I forgot to mention that the sole on my favorite boots cracked the second day I was here. I was so overwhelmed with decisions in the store (there were too many shoes liked) that I decided to think it over and go back. Otherwise, I probably would have walked out with about four pairs.

All in all, it has been an eventful first week. I am home resting today because I think I pulled something will all the walking yesterday... I think I walked for about five or six hours in total. Also, I finally started writing yesterday. It has begun my friends. Stay tuned, more to come.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Danielah! I can't wait to read the things you will write in the future. Also, I love New Girl and that episode with the Turkey had me literally rolling on the floor laughing. Enjoy your adventures in Israel!!
