Thursday, July 12, 2012


It has been a little while since I issued my challenge to you, my lovely readers. I wanted to update you on the progress of my book. As of today, I have a chapter finished and am working on the second. It's a slow start, but the journey has begun. Writing this particular story has been emotional for me in that it is so personal. I will share more as the book takes shape. However, I will say that this far the experience has been a scary roller coaster and also very healing for me. As I sit here in a coffee shop listening to Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine, I think to myself at how far I've come and dwell on the thought that by this time next year I could be published. I can't wait for the world to hear this story. It is a small piece of my past, my present and my future. I've also been working on some lighter pieces as of late. Someone recently suggested that I create a story out of all of my interesting experiences with the dating world. Look out for that one... it's sure to give you all some laughs when I put it all down on paper. All that being said, I am interested to hear all of you are moving along with your challenges? Please share in the comments how things are going. Also, check out this blog by my good friends Amy and Leah. They are just getting started, but have some great adventures to share as well.